The President of Tamworth Baseball Inc David (Dave) McMurray cordially invites your team to participate in our 55th June Long Weekend Baseball Carnival.
The Tamworth Baseball Association has been hosting this annual carnival on the June long weekend for over 50 years. We have teams from across NSW and QLD that travel every year to take part and to renew friendships that have formed over the years with other competing teams. The carnival is also an excellent opportunity for players from all skill levels to witness a carnival spanning across several grades.
We are excited to again extend the invitation to the many teams that join us each year. We look forward to another fantastic weekend of baseball, camaraderie, and celebration.
· Payment of registration and bond will be required to be paid on the website at the time of registration.
· A & B Division $450.00 per team (includes 1/2 dozen balls) + $300.00 General Bond - Total Nomination Fee $750.00. Umpire requirements for A & B grades to be Level 2 or above.
· C to D Division $400.00 per team (includes 1/2 dozen balls) + $300.00 General Bond - Total Nomination Fee $700.00. Note In these grades, teams umpire their own games.
· E to G Division $375.00 per team (includes 1/2 dozen balls) + $300.00 General Bond
- Total Nomination Fee $675.00. Note In these grades, teams umpire their own games.
· H to K Division $350.00 per team (includes 1/2 dozen balls) + $300.00 General Bond
- Total Nomination Fee $650.00. Note In these grades, teams umpire their own games.
· Team Nomination Fee via the website is mandatory, NO payment, no inclusion in the draw.
· Team lists will need to be submitted via the form found on the website.
· Teams that withdraw after the 24th of May will forfeit their registration fee.
· The draw will be released once it has been finalised, approx 2 weeks before carnival.
· Grading will be at the committee’s discretion.
· All bonds will be returned at the end of the carnival given that umpire duties are fulfilled and there are no breaches of conduct/carnival rules.
· All teams are required to provide a scorer and submit score results for each game at the conclusion of each game.
· All players must be registered, financial players with Baseball NSW. For non-season players, there is the option to register for the Tournament. (
For more information, you can visit our website:
or follow us on Facebook:
Again, we look forward to seeing you all soon for some great baseball!
Tamworth June Long Weekend Baseball Committee.
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